Booking for : Indonesia


Tour Details

Unity in Diversity the national motto of Indonesia is a term that strikes deep into the heart of this dynamic and attractive Southeast Asian nation. Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago, with more than 17,500 islands scattered over a fairly large area in the South East Asia. The World’s fourth most populous country, Indonesia proudly boasts of being a land of so many cultures, peoples, animals, customs, plants, features, artworks and foods that it is like 100 countries melded into one. Dramatic and Magnificent sights are a norm here. With modern day architects striving continuously to strike a good balance between modern art and ancient artwork, Indonesia is increasingly in demand amongst the tourists from all over the Globe. Be it for leisure, a business incentive or an adventure, Indonesia has all reasons for you to explore and admire its beauty.

General Information

Capital : Jakarta

Total Area :  Approx 1,904,569 sq kilometers (735,358 sq miles)

Time Zone : Multiple (GMT + 7.00 – GMT + 9.00).

ISD Code : +62

Official Language : Indonesian

Currency : Rupiah (Rp) (IDR)

Religion : There is no official religion as Indonesia is a democratic and secular republic.However Islam is predominantly in large numbers.

Climate : Lying along the equator, Indonesia has a tropical climate, with two distinct monsoonal wet and dry seasons. Average annual rainfall in the lowlands varies from 70 to 125 inches and up to 240 inches in mountainous regions. Mountainous areas—particularly in the west coast of Sumatra, West Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua—receive the highest rainfall. Humidity is generally high, averaging about 80%. Temperatures vary little throughout the year; the average daily temperature range of Jakarta is 26 degrees to 30 degrees.

Best Time to Travel : Indonesia being a mix of tropical Islands, April to October would be a perfect season to travel.

Additional Info

  • Location : Indonesia, Asia

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